Sunscreen Policy Parent Agreement

The Colorado Department of Human Services requires that sunscreen be applied daily prior to going outside.  Please apply sunscreen to your child at home using a minimum of SPF 15 or before leaving your child at school for the morning with school supplied sunscreen Rocky Mountain Sunscreen for Kids.  Please read this information and fill out the form below to acknowledge and agree to follow these state guidelines. 

• Sunscreen should be applied to exposed skin, including face, tops of ears and bare shoulders, arms, legs and feet.   

• I understand that it is my responsibility to check the ingredients of Rocky Mountain Sunscreen to ensure my child is not allergic to it.   

• When signing my child in I agree to confirm daily that sunscreen has been applied for the morning by checking sunscreen applied on the sign in sheet.  

• If I neglect to apply sunscreen, I give my permission to FUMC Co-op Preschool to apply sunscreen to my child.  Sunscreen will not be applied to any broken skin or if a skin reaction is observed.   

• Any reactions observed by staff will be reported to the parent.