At Co~Op PreSchool your child gets to experience enrichments beyond the classroom. Our program includes Music, Creative Movement and Art.
Music is a crucial part of a child’s development and helps to provide a strong foundation in cognitive, social and emotional skills, as well as provides appreciation for the arts! When children engage through music, it allows them to express their emotions as well as empathize with the emotions of others. By exposing children to music at a young age, it allows for body awareness and the freedom of expression. At Co~op PreSchool, our preschoolers will discover music through beat, rhythm, preliminary music theory ideas, dance and song. Music teaches self-confidence, communication skills, cooperation, and teaches us the value of working together.
Creative movement focuses on gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are the abilities that are necessary to control the large muscles within the body. These skills include movements detrimental to a child’s development such as, crawling, jumping, climbing, and skipping. Creative movement at FUMCP often consists of obstacle courses, yoga, and other large body movements that allow the children to explore body awareness and control.
Process art is all about the PROCESS rather than the PRODUCT. Process art fosters fine motor skills, decisions making, independence, literacy skills and creativity! Allowing children to explore art through an open-ended experience encourages creativity and self-confidence. It also provides freedom for self-discovery that engages the senses and promotes self-regulation. Process art allows children to be truly authentic where each experience is free of expectations and completely unique.